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Viper SE/Pro Video README.TXT
Release Notes
This is v2.03 of the Viper SE/Pro Video Windows 3.1 driver disk set.
Windows Installation Notes
Use the INSTALL program to install the Windows 3.1 drivers from DOS.
* Suggestion: If you are upgrading from a previous version of the
Diamond InControl Tools, you should install from DOS, not from
within Windows. This will bypass errors regarding any files that
may be in use and cause the installation to fail.
* Suggestion: When running the Windows install, use MS VGA
to eliminate any OEM files that could create a conflict.
* When running a windows install, if the install says
"file in use, abort/continue" and the file in question is
a font (*.FON) file, continue the install.
* If strange errors occur and text is missing from dialogs,
check for .VBX files in your \WINDOWS directory. .VBX files
should only reside in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM sub-directory.
Once the driver launches Windows, you will be placed in 640x480
256-color mode and prompted to select your monitor type. Select
the brand monitor you have, compatible type, or use the Custom
Monitor Timings to create your own configuration and custom
screen centering.
* Icon fonts are controlled by InControl Tools. When changing
modes back to VGA or a non-Diamond driver, these settings
still remain. To change back to default icon font, search
the WIN.INI file for the IconTypeFace, IconTypeStyle, and
IconTypeSize lines. Place a semicolon (;) in front of these
lines or remove the lines entirely.
* Only resolutions that have been selected as supported in the
Display module will be available in the Viewport choices. If
your monitor can display a resolution provided by the card,
go to Display and select a monitor that offers that mode and
refresh, or select Custom Monitor Timings and Add the mode.
* If Windows only displays a single alphabetic character for the
icon font, select a different font from the list of InControl
Tools. Windows may not support the font type/size requested
in the resolution and resource size displayed.
* If you had screen savers loaded previously, and they seem not
to load on startup any longer, see the message at the top
regarding backing up important files and the limitation down
below of LOAD= line being replaced and not appended. This is
a limitation of the Windows 3.xx SETUP program. This does not
occur with the Diamond install.
The following Windows 3.1 drivers are included:
Resolution Colors Displayed
640x480 256 65,536 16,777,216
800x600 256 65,536 16,777,216
1024x768 256 65,536 16,777,216*
1280x1024 256 65,536* 16,777,216*
1600x1200 256** 65,536*
*4 Megabytes of onboard memory required and 170Mhz RAMDAC.
** 2 Megabytes of onboard memory required and 170Mhz RAMDAC.
Upgrading from Version 1.xx Drivers
To update Viper SE/Pro Video Windows 3.1 Drivers v1.XX to v2.03 :
1. Run Windows 3.1 Setup and select VGA display driver.
2. Run Viper PRO Configuration utility.
3. Press REMOVE to remove Viper PRO Windows Drivers from hard drive.
4. Exit Windows 3.1 to a DOS prompt.
5. From the DOS prompt, run the INSTALL.EXE program located on the
Windows 3.1 display driver disk 1.
* Special Note for VL-BUS users:
Default Memory Base Address for Windows 3.1 is 80000000. Some
motherboards do not support this address. Windows will be blank
screen or lock-up. To change the Memory Base Address for Windows 3.1,
you will need to follow these instructions:
1. Use a text editor and edit you system.ini file
(located in your Windows directory).
2. Locate the section "[P9100.drv]"
3. Insert the line "MemAd=80" (do not include the double quotes).
4. Your system is now set to the Memory Address Base of 80000000.
5. To change the Memory Address Base, set MemAd= to the first two
characters of the Memory Base Address that you desire.
ie. For example, the entry "MemAd=20" will set the Memory Base Address
to 2000000 the next time you enter Windows.
6. Memory Base Addresses available:
Features Added
Added support for Video Power revision 2.
Added ability to disable video acceleration via InControl Tools.
Problems Addressed
ALL MODES | COPRO.INI will list IRQ 9, while board must be set to IRQ 15.
COPRO and board IRQ should match.
Smart Label Printer Pro | Open Smart Label Printer Pro | Type something |
Click on the bar code 1st column and 4th row | PROW caused a GPF in module
FoxPro 2.5 | all modes | FILE | NEW | SCREEN | NEW | click on BITMAP button |
Drag & draw a box on the work area | FILE | OPEN | select a BMP file about
100KB | get GPF in P9100_XX.DRV. 1:343E (8 bpp), 1:3339 (16 bpp), 1:3504
(32 bpp).
Alladin | all modes | Open Aladin | Type in your name and click on the genie's
face | Click on the Theater picture | All the pictures are scrambled.
Start Windows | OPEN ICT | Machine locks up. [Only using SCSI controller]
Happens on numerous motherboards.
When play any AVI file, in full screen or windowed size, the system will hangs
with an hourglass. HW - Zenon P90 SQ545/Pheonix 4.03 bios/Opti 82C546, 82C547,
Known Limitations
This revision of the Windows drivers supports only the IBM 525 RAMDAC.
Customers that have a Brooktree Bt485 RAMDAC need to use the 1.xx Windows
Contacting DIAMOND
Diamond can be reached through a number of ways:
Postal Service : Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.
2880 Junction Ave.
San Jose, CA 95134
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[plus 24hr automated help]
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FAX (Support) : (408) 325-7171
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All product names listed are trademarks or copyrights of their
respective owners.
Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. (c) 1993-95
(408) 325-7000 All Rights Reserved